Survey Results

The survey answers were fascinating – thank you to everyone who participated. If you are thinking, “Darn, I meant to participate!” you can still do so.

I’m glad that many of you learned about the search box (still there, to the right on your screen) and the drop down list of categories (now labeled “Menu of Topics.”) I’ve learned that simply hanging things out in the sidebar is not enough, but that a survey is a useful vehicle for publicizing features.

Thank you for the feedback on readability. This is a tricky one, because different screens and formats offer different experiences. I’m going to experiment with some changes in the near future. When I have a likely candidate, I will install it and ask for your feedback.

If you see another WordPress blog that you find more readable than this, please bring it to my attention. You can do that simply by emailing me or leaving a comment here with a link to the blog. 

Next, thank you for the topic suggestions. For most of this year I have tried to post daily, and I read between the lines that you like the frequent posting. The catch to that, of course, is that I have to write about something, and not everything that goes through my noggin is suitable for posting. Now I have a tidy little list of possibilities on my desk: Thank you!

I appreciate your partnership in this blog, and I particularly appreciate the civility of the comments. In several years, I have only had to delete a very few messages for rude or abusive content; not many bloggers are able to say that.

Finally, let me offer a little Torah to go with all our surveying:

Who is a fool? One who says, “Who can possibly cut down [this] entire field?” The wise person says, “I will cut two basketfuls today and two tonight and two tomorrow, until I’ve completed the whole task.” A foolish student will say, “Who can possibly learn the whole Torah? [The laws of] damages are thirty chapters, [the laws of] vessels are thirty chapters!” A wise student will say, “I will learn two laws today, and two tomorrow, until I have mastered the whole Torah. – Song of Songs Rabbah 5:11, translation CAJE

We are learning together here, bit by bit. Torah is not learned in a day. I appreciate the opportunity to learn with each of you.

A Survey for My Readers

I’m in a quandry.

This is the 844th post on this blog, and some of the very basic material is WAY back in the files, chronologically speaking. Lately I have repeated some topics as a way of moving them up to the front, and I’ve thought about many different schemes for re-organizing things here. However, if it “ain’t broke” I don’t want to fix it!

I need input from you, my readers. Even if you don’t usually comment, I’d appreciate your answers to the following questions in the comments.

  1. Have you ever used the search box at the top of the right hand column?
  2. Have you ever searched by “Categories,” the drop down menu on the right?
  3. What topics would you would like me to cover in the near future?

Thank you very much for helping me with your replies! If there’s anything else you want me to know (requests, complaints, comments) I welcome your feedback.

Contest: What is This Object?

What is the object below?

1. General answers such as “a wooden box” are not acceptable.

2. This object has a specific function.

3. Put your replies in the “Comments” section.

4. The winner will be the first person to put up the correct answer.

5. The prize? A cheap souvenir from the place where the photo was taken. Also the glory of being the winner of the First Ever Coffee Shop Rabbi Identification Contest.

Guesses are welcome, the wilder the better!

