Blow Up Yer TV

Image: Foot about to step on a banana peel. Photo by Adriano Gadini. Public domain.

Oy, oy, OY!

I love teaching. And I’ve learned to love teaching online. But some days the tech just drives me bonkers. Today was one of those days.

I wound up scaring the dog with audio feedback howl, dumping a bunch of students in the bit bucket, having to split the recording in two, and losing my train of thought. I am never, ever, going to hit that particular button again!

When I have a very frustrating day with my computer (BAD computer! BAD, BAD, BAD computer!) there’s a song I like to sing. It might have something to do with the fact that I can never remember anything but the chorus, and the chorus begins “Blow up yer TV.”

After I sing the chorus a couple of times, I can’t resist listening to the maestro himself playing it, which always cheers me up.

Are you familiar with Spanish Pipedream, by John Prine?

(Yeah, yeah, I know that bit about Jesus sounds funny when a rabbi sings it, but this song heals my soul.)

What do you do to cheer yourself up from frustration overwhelm?