A Blessing for the Images from Pluto

Today the NASA spaceship New Horizons will fly past Pluto and snap the closest images ever taken of that heavenly body. I thought some of you might like to learn the appropriate blessing for seeing natural wonders.

Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaynu Melech ha’Olam, she’ka’kha lo b’olamo.

Blessed are You, Eternal our God, Ruler of Time-and-Space, who has such creations in Your world.

(The image featured with this article is in the public domain. It was taken by the New Horizons ship on its approach.)

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Rabbi Ruth Adar is a teaching rabbi in San Leandro, CA. She has many hats: rabbi, granny, and ham radio operator K6RAV. She blogs at http://coffeeshoprabbi.com/ and teaches at Jewish Gateways in Albany, CA.

8 thoughts on “A Blessing for the Images from Pluto”

  1. Reblogged this on merrimack valley havurah and commented:
    A Blessing for our awe of what we are discovering at Pluto
    – What a great article from Coffee Shop Rabbi 🙂

    Today the NASA spaceship New Horizons will fly past Pluto and snap the closest images ever taken of that heavenly body. I thought some of you might like to learn the appropriate blessing for seeing natural wonders.

    Baruch atah Adonai, Elohaynu Melech ha’Olam, she’ka’kha lo b’olamo.

    Blessed are You, Eternal our God, Ruler of Time-and-Space, who has such creations in Your world.

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